We Help Professionals & Entrepreneurs Succeed In Work and Life

Ever feel like you know things could be better,
but you’re just not sure what to do?

Transform and Thrive to a better life - Joseph and Elisabeth

Who’s Behind Transform and Thrive?

 We understand the personal and professional ups and downs of both having a boss as well as becoming your own boss.  

We started out in the usual grind, exchanging hours for paychecks, and time for money.

Elisabeth worked as a nurse in an ICU and volunteered at a local clinic.

Joseph started out working for various non-profits and eventually changed to the private sector, working his way up in a marketing company and then hired on at a software company.

We were like many people in their 20’s–no kids and lots of free time. Work-life balance wasn’t a big issue because we didn’t have a lot of responsibilities.

But as they say, “things change when YOU change.” We started learning that you can reach career and business goals without sacrificing our personal lives and growing a family. 

“When we aren’t mindful we automatically dismiss possibilities and opportunities.”

-Elisabeth Bojang


How We Help You Transform and Thrive

transform and thrive community


Join our monthly program to get courses, community, and training to grow!

Transform and thrive consulting


Marketing consulting to start and grow your business.

transform and thrive coaching


Personal or Professional coaching to uncover your next best move.

transform and thrive mbsr icon


Individual and corporate mindfulness-based stress reduction programs.